Administration Office Fees

Office Charges

Freedom of Information Act searches – Under FOIA, the following fees shall be charged: $4.00 per quarter-hour, with a 15-minute minimum, plus 25¢ per page copied; charges shall be due at the time the requestor collects the documents.

Copies – 25¢ per page

Faxes  – to send: $1.00 per page; to receive: 25¢ per page

Police Reports – $5.00 per report

Returned check fee – $40.00

Zoning Permits

The Town does not perform building inspections; this function is undertaken by the Wayne County Inspections Department, and they bill Building Permit fees out of that Office.Pikeville provides a Zoning Permit to present to County Inspections.Be advised that the County will not issue a Building Permit without proof of a Zoning Permit.

Zoning Permits shall be based on the grand total estimated cost of the proposed work, including any subcontracts.

Zoning permits are written up by the Town Manager. If the Town Manager is out of the office for any reason, they shall be completed the new business day.

 The following Zoning Permit fees shall apply – A Flat Fee of $5.00, plus a variable fee of $1.00 per thousand dollars value, or portion thereof.