Emergency Operations Plan


This plan predetermines actions to be taken by the Town of Pikeville to reduce the vulnerability of people and property to disaster and establish capabilities to respond effectively to the actual occurrences of a disaster.

General description of area: Pikeville is located in Wayne County, which is located in Central North Carolina.  The current population of the Town is approximately 750 people.  The Town contains approximately 2.0 square miles.

The major traffic artery, which is in close proximity to the Town from east to west, is:

Highway 70

And, from the north to the south are:

Highway 117

Highway 111

Interstate 795

The Town considers exposure to the following hazards, all of which may significantly threaten lives, property, and cause disruption to the normalcy.  Examples of potential hazards (natural/technological) are:

Hazardous Material Incidents, Severe Winter Storms, Wildfires, Drought, Power Failure, Flooding, Mass Causality/Transportation, Tornadoes/Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Nuclear/Incident and Terrorism.

Planning Objectives

It is necessary for the Town to plan for and carry out disaster response and short – term recovery operations, utilizing local resources.  However, it is likely that outside assistance would be available in most major disaster situations affecting the Town.  The Town must have the ability to manage disasters for a period of three (3) days before relying on outside resources.  Outside assistances will be available after a major disaster; however, a delay of days or weeks must be considered.

It is important that all Town officials are aware of the potential results of a major disaster and is ready to execute their responsibilities as defined in this plan.

Following the guidance in this plan will provide disaster coordination for response and recovery.

This plan and departmental tasks should be periodically reviewed to assure readiness.

Concept of Operation

As required by General Statutes 166A-2, it is the responsibility of the Town Government to protect life and property from the effects of hazardous events.

The Town Emergency Operation Center (EOC) will be staffed and operated as the situation dictates.

The Mayor or the Mayor Pro Tem for the jurisdiction may declare a State of Emergency to exist within the jurisdiction (or a part thereof) and begin implementing emergency procedures.

The Mayor or the Mayor Pro Tem, assisted by the Town Manager will coordinate and control Town resources.

The authority by which it was proclaimed shall declare termination of the State of Emergency.

The Four Objectives of Comprehensive Emergency Management

MITIGATION. Mitigation activities are those designed to either prevent the occurrence of an emergency to minimize the potentially adverse affects of an emergency.

PREPAREDNESS. Preparedness  activities, programs, and systems are those that exit prior to an emergency and are used to support and enhance response to an emergency or disaster.  Planning, training, and exercising are among the activities conducted under this phase.

RESPONSE. Response activities and programs are designed to address the immediate affects and to reduce casualties, damage, and to speed recovery.  Response activities include direction and control, warning, evacuation, mass care, and other similar operations.

RECOVERY. Recovery activities involve restoring system to normal.  Short-term recovery actions are taken to assess damage and return vital life-support systems to minimum operating standards; long-term recovery actions may continue for many years.

Organization and Assignment of Responsibilities

The Mayor or Mayor Pro Tem is to be responsible for developing and maintaining their own procedures dealing with each department.  Specific responsibilities are outlined in the section entitled “Responsibilities”.

Ideal locations for an Emergency Operating Center (EOC) would be that of the Town Hall located at 105 W. School Street. The Town Hall will be where all the voting by the Board Members is to take place.  Members of the Emergency Response Board will be familiar with plans and procedures to cope with an emergency.  The Mayor, or Mayor Pro Tem will authorize Emergency Operations Center activation.  The overall strategy and policy of emergency activities in a crisis situation is vested with Mayor or Mayor Pro Tem.

Direction and control will be in accordance with the National Interagency Incident Command System.  Each disaster site will have an Incident Commander and be organized under that system.  That system is used in Pikeville as the daily operational system.

Continuity of Government

Emergency and disaster occurrences may result in disruption of government functions.  It is important that procedures are in place to name decision-makers in the absence of the chief officials or department heads.  The line of succession should be the Mayor to the Town Administrator then starting with the senior Board Member in descending order.  Department Heads with tasks assigned under this plan are responsible to provide a roster with the respective of at least two assistants empowered to act in their absence.

It is the responsibilities of the elected officials to insure that all legal documents of both a public and a private nature recorded by designated officials be protected and preservation in accordance with existing laws, statues, and ordinances. Each department is responsible for the preservation of essential records to insure continued operational capabilities.

The Town provides for the relocation of the governing body to the Emergency Operations Center during times of emergency if necessary.  If the primary Emergency Operations Center during times of emergency if necessary.  If the primary Emergency Operations Center is determined inoperable, the governing body will relocate to an alternate Emergency Operations Center.

Administration and Logistics

The Town of Pikeville Emergency Response Board, consisting of the Police Department, Public Utilities, Volunteer Fire Department, and the Mayor Pro Tem are responsible for the coordination of disaster response and the operational readiness of the Emergency Operating Center.

Records of expenditures and obligations during emergency operations, as well as narratives and operational journals of response actions, must be maintained by each activated Town department during operations. These documents and reports should be submitted to the Town Administrator on a schedule determined by the Administrator.

Consumer complaints pertaining to alleged unfair or illegal business practices during emergencies will be referred to the State Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division and the Pikeville Police Department for investigation. Every effort will be made to protect the citizens of Pikeville from fraud or other dishonest activities during disaster.

There will be no discrimination on grounds of disabilities, race, color, religion, nationality, sex, age, economic status, or any other factors in the execution of any disaster preparedness, response, relief, recovery, or mitigation efforts.

This policy applies equally to all levels of government, contractors and subcontractors, and all other individuals and businesses performing work for the Town, as the result of a disaster.

Agreements and letters of understanding or other documents that may be entered into must be done according to the normal policy consideration of the Town of Pikeville, and should be formalized prior to emergency situations, if possible, and through the channels designated by the North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management.

Departments tasked with responsibilities in the implementation of this Plan are responsible for providing their own administrative and logistical need for their procedure development and for the preparation and maintenance of all necessary resource lists, Standard Operating Procedures, or other documents required b their tasks.

All Town Departments having responsibilities and task assignment in this Plan, will submit an annual review and revision of their respective portion to the Town Administrator by March 1 of each year. The Town Administrator will incorporate the necessary revisions and present the total plan, as revised, to the Town Emergency Response Board by April 1. The Town Administrator is also responsible for, making sure that all Department Heads are issued the updated manual and that a reserved copy of the plan is in place at the Town Hall.

Mayor & Commissioners Responsibilities

  • Carry out provisions of State General Statutes and local ordinances relating to emergencies.
  • Authorize activation of the Emergency Operation Center
  • Declare a state of emergency at the local level, when needed.
  • Provide strategy for emergency operations.
  • Request assistance of State resources, as needed.
  • Coordinate efforts by elected officials from other local governments.
  • Coordinate efforts of appointed boards.
  • Suspend, revoke or waive any Town rule, policy, procedure, or provision of any ordinance that conflicts with emergency operations.
  • Authorize funds necessary for emergency operations not available in department budget.
  • Insure timely information, reports, damage assessments, and request for assistance flow through proper channels to the State.
  • Enter into mutual aid agreements with other local governments, and private enterprises for sharing of resources during emergency operations.
  • Report to Emergency Operation Center upon activation.

Town Administrator Responsibilities

  • When directed, or otherwise authorized by law, act on behalf of the Mayor during emergency operations.
  • Insure responsible Town departments are instructed to maintain financial records of expenditures during emergency operations.
  • Assign Town department and staff to the Emergency Operations Center, as needed.
  • Assign Town department and agencies to develop and continually maintain emergency plan standards operating procedures and callback rosters necessary for emergency operations.
  • Make recommendations and provide guidance to the Mayor in performing duties during emergency operations.
  • Insure that activated departments for reimbursement application for state or federal agencies provide all necessary records, time sheets, and other documented expenses.
  • Provide shelter Administrators to operate shelter.
  • Coordinate functions, services, and tasked of all Town departments and ensure work is performed accordingly.
  • Contact Red Cross for requesting assistance in establishing a shelter. (Wayne County Chapter 919-735-7201).
  • Report to the Emergency Operations Center upon activation.
  • Notify all Town Officials of emergency situation.

Public Utilities Responsibilities

  • Ensure that all Public Utilities employees know disaster response plan and act accordingly.
  • Train personnel in damage assessment techniques.
  • Assign and maintain a current roster of assessment team.
  • Develop a call log and contact information for Public Utilities employees for disaster response.
  • Inform officials of hazardous conditions of facilities, bridges, roads, etc.
  • Document all emergency work, including appropriate photographs.
  • Develop mutual aid agreements with other Public Utilities and the private sector.
  • Develop procedures for testing all emergency power of EOC and all other critical public facilities.
  • Maintain records of expenditures, obligations, narratives, and operational journals or response action, including any activities associated with disaster operations.
  • Maintain current list of equipment, supplies, personnel, and vehicles.
  • Maintain current list of private sector sources and their equipment and services with contact information.
  • Develop and maintain debris removal management plan.
  • Report to the EOC upon activation and coordinate damage assessment operations.

Volunteer Fire Department - Chief Responsibilities

  • Maintain current list of equipment, supplies, personnel and vehicles.
  • Inspect all shelters for code compliance prior to opening.
  • Coordinate the Hazardous Material Response Team activities during emergency operations.
  • Designate all staging areas for resources arriving from outside jurisdiction.
  • Coordinate Mutual Aid Agreements with other fire departments for resources.
  • Maintain records of expenditures, obligations, narratives, and operational journals or response action, including any activities associated with disaster operations.
  • Report to the EOC upon activation.

Police Chief Responsibilities

  • Develop and update Law Enforcement policy and SOPs annually.
  • Obtain mutual aid agreements with other Law Enforcement agencies.
  • Provide Information to hospitals regarding victims and types of injuries.
  • Check all streets for clear passage and develop list for the EOC.
  • Assist in warning and notifying the affected population of an existing or impending emergency.
  • Provide direction and control for law enforcement operations, including curfew, roadblocks, and confinement and isolation of areas.
  • Provide security in the EOC, lodging and feeding facilities, and shelters during emergency operations.
  • Provide traffic and perimeter control for the evacuation as needed.
  • Maintain records of expenditures, obligations, narratives, and operational journals or response action, including any activities associated with disaster operations.
  • Maintain current list of equipment, supplies, personnel and vehicles.
  • Report to the EOC upon activation.

Important Phone Numbers 

Town of Pikeville (Wayne County)

Service Area: Wayne

Town Hall

919-242-5126     Office Telephone

919-242-4186     Fax Number

105 West School Street

Post Office Box 9

Pikeville, NC 27863-0009


Business Hours: 8:15am – 5:00pm (M-F)

Utility Operations Center

919-242-5126     Office Telephone

919-242-4186    Fax Number

105 West School Street

Post Office Box 9

Pikeville, NC 27863-0009


Business Hours: 8:15am – 5:00pm (M-F)


Ms. Jennifer Bray

919-242-5126 (office)

919-738-9200 (MB)


Utilities Supervisor

Mr. Robert Hunt


919-330-8076 (MB)


Town Administrator

Ms. Lisa L. Jones

919-242-5126 (office)

919-330-8072 (MB)


Town of Pikeville Police

919-242-5330     Office Telephone

919-242-4186    Fax Number

105 West School Street

Post Office Box 9

Pikeville, NC 27863-0009


Chief of Police

Craig Edwins

919-330-8071 (MB)  


Rodney Jarman

919-330-9742 (MB)

Pikeville-Pleasant Grove Volunteer Fire Department

102 Hooks Grove Church Road, Pikeville, NC 27863

Landon Fleming, Fire Chief

Wayne County Office of Emergency Services

Mel Powers, Director

Craig Brown, Coordinator

Bryan Taylor, Fire Marshal

919-731-1416 (Office)